一、定时任务 crontab,用来提交和管理用户的需要周期性执行的任务。与windows下的计划任务类似,当安装完成操作系统后,默认会安装此服务工具,并且会自动启动crond进程,crond进程每分钟会定期检查是否有要执行的任务,如果有要执行的任务,则自动执行该任务。
1.1 语法 服务相关命令
1 systemctl [status|start|stop|restart|enable |disable ] crond
crontab [选项] [参数]
1.) 选项
删除该用户的定时任务-u <user>
指定定时任务所属的用户2.) 参数,即包含待执行任务的crontab文件。
1.2 编辑任务 输入crontab -e即可进入任务编辑,如图
二、程序保活 我在运维时,有个HTTP反向代理的应用(不是我写的)有两个重大严重Bug
JVM崩溃,会生成hs_err_pid.log日志。 大量close_wait导致程序假死。 由于我只负责生产环境运维,所以从运维角度解决该问题。实现程序保活脚本。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 #!/bin/bash jar="springboot-webflux-0.1.0.jar" jarPath="/root/server" jarExecute="nohup java -jar $jar --spring.config.location=application.yml >/dev/null 2>&1 &" logFile="/var/log/servermonitor.log" maxSize=1024000 backupCount=5 current=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) keepalive=$(netstat -nplt|grep tcp|grep 4321|wc -l) count=$(netstat -ano|grep tcp|grep 4321|grep CLOSE|wc -l) echo "$current : $jar keepalive: $keepalive , close: $count " >> $logFile if [ "$keepalive " -eq 0 ] || [ "$count " -gt 100 ]; then netstat -ano|grep tcp > "$jarPath /netstat$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M) .log" echo "$current : $jar needs to restart " >> $logFile pkill -9 -f $jar echo "$current : $jar is killed" >> $logFile cd $jarPath eval $jarExecute echo "$current : $jar is restarted, pid is $!" >> $logFile else echo "$current : $jar is running normally " >> $logFile fi if [ -f "$logFile " ]; then fileSize=$(stat -c%s "$logFile " ) if [ "$fileSize " -ge "$maxSize " ]; then for ((i=$backupCount ; i>0; i--)); do if [ -f "$logFile .$i " ]; then mv "$logFile .$i " "$logFile .$((i+1) )" fi done mv "$logFile " "$logFile .1" touch $logFile fi fi
三、Nginx封IP 以下内容,都是抄袭来的,经过自己简单修改。
nginx中在server下面,配置deny即可实现封禁ip 。
正式环境中对Nginx进行流控,参考该文章 。
3.1 实现封禁ip的脚本 先配置nginx.conf,添加配置
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 #!/bin/bash NGINX_CONF="/usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf" IP_BLACKLIST="/usr/local/nginx/conf/blockip.conf" LOG_FILE="/usr/local/nginx/logs/access.log" THRESHOLD=500 TIME_INTERVAL=60 DEBUG=false if [ "$(id -u) " != "0" ]; then exit 1 fi touch $IP_BLACKLIST debug () { if [ "$DEBUG " = true ]; then echo "[DEBUG] $1 " >&2 fi } clear_old_block () { echo "" >"$IP_BLACKLIST " } analyze_and_block () { debug "开始分析日志并封锁IP..." current_time=$(date +%s) debug "当前时间戳: $current_time " suspicious_ips=$(awk -v interval="$TIME_INTERVAL " -v threshold="$THRESHOLD " -v current_time="$current_time " -v debug="$DEBUG " ' function parse_time(time_string) { gsub(/[\[\]]/, "", time_string) split(time_string, a, "[/: ]") months["Jan"]=1; months["Feb"]=2; months["Mar"]=3; months["Apr"]=4; months["May"]=5; months["Jun"]=6; months["Jul"]=7; months["Aug"]=8; months["Sep"]=9; months["Oct"]=10; months["Nov"]=11; months["Dec"]=12; timestamp = mktime(a[3] " " months[a[2]] " " a[1] " " a[4] " " a[5] " " a[6]) return timestamp } function debug_print(message) { if (debug == "true") { print "[DEBUG] " message > "/dev/stderr" } } { ip = $1 log_time = parse_time($4) debug_print("$4: " $4 " IP: " ip ", Log Time: " log_time ", Current Time: " current_time ", Difference: " (current_time - log_time) " seconds") if (current_time - log_time <= interval) { count[ip]++ debug_print("IP: " ip ", Count: " count[ip]) if (count[ip] == threshold) { print ip debug_print("IP " ip " has reached the threshold") } } }' "$LOG_FILE " ) debug "可疑IP列表: $suspicious_ips " if [ -n "$suspicious_ips " ]; then echo "$suspicious_ips " | while IFS= read -r ip; do if ! grep -q "deny $ip ;" "$IP_BLACKLIST " ; then echo "deny $ip ;" >>"$IP_BLACKLIST " debug "已封锁IP: $ip " else debug "IP $ip 已在黑名单中" fi done else debug "没有发现需要封锁的IP" fi } reload_nginx () { /usr/local /nginx/sbin/nginx -s reload } main () { clear_old_block analyze_and_block reload_nginx } main
3.2 定时任务每分钟执行封禁脚本 添加定时任务
1 * * * * * sh /usr/local /nginx/logs/ip-block
crontab中的cron表达式可以使用在线模拟解析Crontab表达式执行时间 - ToolTT在线工具箱 进行测试。
四、致谢参考 CentOS7必备技能下的定时任务 crontab的使用_佞臣888的博客-CSDN博客
服务又被攻击?Nginx + 简单脚本,轻松拦截